Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • A message from the instructor

    • Level 6 Professional Diploma

    • Booking your CIPS Exam

    • Supporting Documentation

    • Induction

  • 2

    How to use the Course Materials

    • How to use the Course Materials

    • How-to Lesson

  • 3

    Learning Objective #1

    • 1.1 Video

    • Corporate, Business & Functional Strategy Answer Structure

    • 1.2 Video

    • Porters Generic Strategies

    • Generic Strategies Exercise

    • 1.3 Video

    • Risk Management Cycle

    • 1.4 Video

    • Assignment 1 - LO1

    • Revision Sheets - LO1

  • 4

    Learning Objective #2

    • 2.1 Video

    • Ansoff Matrix

    • Ansoff & Coca Cola Exercise

    • 2.2 Video

    • Porters Value Chain

    • 2.3 Video

    • 2.4 Video

    • Assignment 2 - LO2

    • Revision Sheets LO2

    • LO2 Sample Questions & Answers

  • 5

    Learning Objective #3

    • 3.1 Video

    • 3.2 Video

    • Mendelow Matrix

    • Mendelow Matrix Exercise

    • 3.3 Video

    • 3.4 Video

    • Training Needs Analysis Case Study & Answer Structure

    • Assignment 3 - LO3

    • Revision Sheets - LO3

  • 6

    Learning Objective #4

    • 4.1 Video

    • 4.2 Video

    • 4.3 Video

    • 4.4 Video

    • 4.5 Video

    • Assignment 4 - LO4

    • Revision Sheets - LO4

  • 7

    Live Sessions

    • LO1 Live Replay

    • L6M3 LO2 & LO3

    • Live Replay LO2 and LO3

    • L6M3 LO4 & revision for L6M8

    • L6M3 revision.

    • Revision Recording

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    • Revision Notes

    • Exam & Revision Techniques

    • Mock Exam

    • Revision Webinar

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    Next Steps

    • Before you go we would appreciate your feedback...